How to face embarrassing situations ?

1) take a joke no one laughs
Everyone listens and you receive Nkitk all enjoy having prepared her well, but the surprise is not the audience laughed after you're listed humor, as everyone is still waiting for anything funny.
You should in such a position to be quick-witted and not take things seriously, but I make it all the more ironic, if you say "good humor the next best, or that laughter comes after half an hour of hearing the joke, but do not overdo in the fun so as not to appear ridiculous , and avoid trying to change the subject or that Tlji for silence, because all of this gives a bad impression about you.

2) to say something inappropriate and offensive manner
Imagine you are in a meeting with friends to work in one of the cafes for lunch, and that your control of the audience, knowing you do not know anything about outside the boundaries of work, and find panic to enter a person place, and declare that he was her fiance, former, and that her husband does not like to talk to him, to find yourself inadvertently tell her "no man likes to be number 2 in women's lives," Here we must apologize immediately badly, you confirm that you do not mean what I said, Valaatmar quick here earn you 3 things: ending the embarrassment quickly, disarming the other party quickly before taking any movement towards you, and redirect the negative signs that I've made to modify the impression you.

3) A person makes axis irony in hearing
If you sit down somewhere with your friends, and entered Girl Like, I went talking with them, but they Aammeltk in a bad way and refused to talk to you, face it and you come back to your friends big smile, as if what happened was commonplace not hurt your dignity, and Mocked the order before trying others ridicule you, do not feel concerned about their own laughter.
Whatever the reaction is not trying to take the position defensive or offensive that threatens to avenge them or those who make fun of you, because this Sazhrk foolish and that you do not have a sense of humor, but involved with laughter and ridicule as if the situation happened with someone else, and assured all that you are the winner, because they were will cause you damage if you decide to accept your invitation, for example.

4) I spoke badly about someone in front of his friends
And you sit down with a new set and find someone making fun of a certain girl ask for her full name, and you find you know, Fathki position painfully with her and you disposed of the difficulty of having lied to them, to find the person looks at you strangely stressing that this girl is his sister!
Take a deep breath and swallowed Rivk well, and be prepared to apologize in a way very fast, stressing that you are someone who does not insensitive and stupid in dealing with these kinds of girls, and changed the course of modern quickly to something else, and do not let any room for silence so as not to give an opportunity for everyone to feel the extent of embarrassment they face.

5) forget the name of the person who speaks with you
One of the most embarrassing situations that you find people chanting your name and welcomes you, comes to greet you and asks you for your news and you do not remember his name. Deal with the situation not to give to your friends, but ask him about the news and what to do now When Tkabltm the last time, he says nothing alerts you, and be sure not to tense.
You can talk in general runs, you will not need to mention the name of that person. If you are a confident person of the same, you can easily apologize, justify that you have not Taatkabloa for, and that you have a lot of problems in recent times, but this can not be focused and remember the name.