Learn the benefits of crying

Scientists say: "If I felt a desire to cry not trap your tears, the a lot of pain and grief and anger flowing with tears."
As the science says that the tears of women faster than the tears of a man.
They learn by man crying, girls Fterbah need a large amount of packets may not need a boy to him, that they are crying because they punish more than they punished her brother.

Some psychologists consider crying adult back to childhood .. They cry because they need to detour around them and cry because they could not find a way to vent their stress tears, and crying and oppress sorrow and joy, too.

And weeping women, who some see as too much of a Aerga only to Tabiehalmroh physiological or psychological, but also due to the scientific reasons, women are more crying than men because of a hormone called "prolactin" and Hmahermon produced by the body's reaction to stress and grief and Mchaaralaktiab felt by women, which is linked to cry, and when it rises percentage in the body often causes crying for trivial reasons.

And crying for men and women safest way to improve the health status and not a sign of weakness or lack of maturity, a natural style to remove harmful substances from the body secreted by when human Tasa or worried, or in the case of bad psychological, tears help get rid of them. The brain sorts chemicals tear analgesic for pain.

And crying also increases the number of heartbeats, and is considered an exercise beneficial to the diaphragm and chest muscles, shoulders, and after the completion of crying back fast heartbeat to average natural and relax muscles again and condition occurs comfortable feeling, so the look the person to the problems that تؤرقه and Disturbed more pronounced, unlike suppression crying and tears, which leads to a sense of pressure and Altotralmada, the incidence of certain diseases such as headaches and ulcers.

In Eastern societies may be considered a man crying something shameful or a sign of weakness, but the truth is that the man has the right to cry, be thrown tears perhaps displays human man or woman for the risk of losing a person has a heart the heart and stomach disorders, headaches and joint pain.

Scientists believe that the Amralamroh longer than men because they do not feel free to leave free rein to her tears do not see this as a critical, and thus contributes to the comfort mental and physical, either man - in Eastern societies in particular - With subjected to pressure at the same time his reservations about the crying scientists found The woman theoretically be longer-lived.