Luminous insects

Some objects emit light we can see and know this kind of luminous creatures slum only creatures that do not use electricity to produce light they use chemical substances found inside Ogesamh cells and generate light when changes occur in those chemicals.
Most of the creatures that emit light of insects that fly at night and closed incandescent worms and fireflies produce chemicals called to Oseverin,

And illuminate the chemical when mixed with oxygen that you enter in the body from the outside air. The most exciting lights those issued by the Malaysian fireflies. The male fireflies only that can emit light without females, where they stand hundreds of them on a single tree among the swamps and the universal issue of light at one time, then lit the whole tree for a second term in the form of a flash can be seen hundreds of meters away and makes it easier for females to find places males. For example, insect Alhabahb a light green color at night

Composed body beetles illuminated from three areas are: - the head: a frontal area of the body and holds the head a couple of the eyes of the vehicle and a pair of antennae, as well as parts of the mouth biting and used by the beetles and their larvae in devouring insects, other small prey on slugs, snails and earthworms. - Chest: a three rings and carrying each episode pair of walking legs and carry the second and third pairs of wings. And some species found non-winged. - Abdomen: It is the last area of the body and is composed of 11 episodes.

The life cycle of beetles luminous happen mating between males and females in the summer night, and the female lays eggs in the soil, which hatch after 4 weeks and then gives several stages of larval and fed بافتراس small insects and then spend the fall and winter in hibernation, where bury themselves in the soil and possible to remainin the Byatea for two years with the beginning of summer feed and stimulate the process and turn to the Virgin and then turn into beetles full male and female live beetles full of several weeks to two months by type

Luminance phenomenon this phenomenon occurs when the availability of pigment called to Oseverin and an enzyme called with a source of oxygen and a source of energy, a compound adenosine triphosphate. (ATP) and the result of this interaction produces a compound called (Oxyluciferen) and emit light. These chemical compounds are found in luminous beetles on both sides of the ventral surface of the abdominal area of a number of cells called photovoltaic cells and these cells are often found in the recent episodes of abdominal full for both phases or their larvae.And stop the amount of light emitted by the beetles on the amount of oxygen entering in the interaction, when you want to produce beetles and a long blink for a long time, the brain given trend nervous to the ends of the respiratory tract to produce a large amount of oxygen into the photovoltaic cells Vaasdr the large amount of light.

In some species issued beetles and flicker intermittently in this case depends nervous current seconds depends flash then going mainstream nervous again and issue a new light. The light from the luminous beetles called cold light, when scientists analysis of this light and found that it is a 100% light energy and zero percent heat, as this light if the ratio of heat, even simple beetle's body was burned and destroyed

Reasons for the use of light these beetles exist in the harsh environment of very high temperature Vlhma resort to the activity and the search for food at night in order to see some of the center of vast forests
Interlocking and tall trees that hide the light of the moon and the stars on clear nights, making these beetles this phenomenon for several reasons, namely: - to illuminate the dark dense forest at night and see the surrounding darkness. Recognize beetles of the same type on each through the degree of light and whether it is offline or intermittently in the form of a separate flashes. This light is used to attract prey of other small insects, slugs, snails, earthworms and impressed by its light

This male uses light to attract females for mating process where each said optical signal known to the females of the same kind. Once you see females of these optical signals are given similar reference to the male Vinjzb a need for mating male and female find some that do not want the mating of the male not to respond to them with references