Scientific studies have shown that the greater the weight of the body told the combustion process, and that the owners of the heavy weight of the food intake is less than covered Alnhafe, it has been shown that the problem facing those who are trying to get rid of excess weight by counting calories is that this type of diet hinders speed and combustion processes required to melt the grease in the body.
It is well established scientifically that the lower a person's weight increased calorie burning speed, and so the person needs to slim the number of calories than fat person
And make it worse in the case of the accursed, where the body tries to keep his card for fear of hunger, as well as the refrain from eating carbohydrates makes the body forced to stockpile consumption in the liver, which helps to generate energy. Which leads to feeling overwhelmed.
In the case of protein deficiency as a result of decrease in food, the body begins to burn proteins Alkhzona in muscle, increasing fat around the muscle, end up Baltrhl, hence the benefits of diet back to nature Those who practice it burn fat not muscle.
One of the main advantages of this diet keep the food as much as possible from the fire, as has been proven that when you cook enzymes break down proteins, and is acid Statistics show that prevent melting grease, as advised, depending on the fruit, vegetables and grains, which help the body get rid of impurities