The eventual elimination of acne

First: how composed acne scars?
Acne blisters appear when plugged pores of the skin fat, dead cells or bacteria,
On the other hand consists of acne scars as a result of the healing process which is subject to the skin after the explosion of grain when the failure of the white blood cells thick texture of skin Almst.
Since there is no guarantee the full recovery of each infected cases of acne scars, with moderate or severe scars you visit the Doctor.

Second: how to prevent the appearance of acne scars
1) Daily Care Skin: through cleaning the skin gently, contains "salicylic acid" which maintains the cleanliness of the pores of the fat, you can use lotion facial dampening "Daily Face wash" in the amount of $ 25, which is equivalent to 94 SAR, from through the Web site (
2) clean the skin of infected grains: to eliminate the backlogs caused by dead skin cells and waste fat, you must use facial cleanser sophisticated "Advance Face Tonic" and through the website (, in the amount of $ 29, which is equivalent to 108 SR .
3) Skin Care After breaching the grain: After the user control in reducing the spread of cereal you can now clean the place cream contains a compound "benzoyl Brookside" which helps to remove scars resulting from these grains, such as cream "Acne Spot Repair", and so through the website (, in the amount of $ 21, the equivalent of 78 Saudi Riyals.
4) Use sun cream: you have to put a decent light protects from the sun and free of fat, as exposure to the sun stimulates the skin to produce more fat and transmit the affected areas acne to the color red or dark, you can use the cream "TIO2 Sunblock SPF 30" and get it through the Web site (, in the amount of $ 31, the equivalent of 116 SAR.
5) Do not try to lift the pimples or Heads: Maybe you think you do you clean the skin, but in fact you publish the bacteria and harming the skin.

Third: ways to help improve the appearance of your face: If you suffer from acne scars, you can follow one of two:

2) Hydration: Helps facial moisturizer lotion rich in vitamin to improve the skin, where it softer, so then use moisturizer "Advance Face Lotion" through the website (, in the amount of $ 36, the equivalent of 135 SAR.