Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a small tree belonging to the family of Lauracea. Cinnamon tree is native to Sri Lanka and now cultivated in many tropical countries , including Mexico.

Cinnamon is harvested from the inner bark of trees that have been dried and then processed to cinnamon sticks ( called quills ) and also to a fine powder. There are four main types of cassia cinnamon , the most famous of gonorrhea and is considered a more expensive sweet sharp taste and smell aromatic delicacies , while Cassia is less expensive and dark in color which is available in abundance in the markets .

Cinnamon bark is one of the oldest and most popular spice in the world. It is used in kitchens all over the world , which is the most important and one of the " sweet spices . " In the Middle East , it is used in chicken Alziv and lamb dishes . It is also used as a flavoring agent for cereals , and bread - based dishes , and fruits in the United States.

Apart from being popular spice , cinnamon has long been also used in traditional Asian medicine to stimulate the circulatory and respiratory system , as well as to aid digestion .

Cinnamon is a source of manganese , iron , calcium , fiber and contain antioxidants such as cinnamaldehyde who has characteristics of anti to contiguity Elsafyahyat and form clots in the body .

The health benefits of cinnamon

1. Cancer Prevention
A study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland , revealed that cinnamon reduces the spread of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells. And cinnamon contain enzymes that play an important role in facilitating cell division and is also a very good source of calcium and fiber, which can bind bile salts and remove them from the body. Through the elimination of bile , it can prevent damage to the cells of the colon , thus reducing the risk of colon cancer .

2. Regulates the level of sugar in the blood
Studies have found that cinnamon contains some polyphenols that can help people with diabetes type 2 by regulating blood sugar levels . The study, published in the journal Diabetes Care in 2003 found that people with diabetes type 2 who took 1 to 3 or 6 grams of cinnamon in pill form daily for 40 days to reduce the percentage of sugar in the blood by 18 to 29% .

3. Reduces cholesterol
Calcium and fiber in cinnamon can help in the elimination of bile salts from the body. When you are getting rid of bile salts , feels the body to break down cholesterol to produce new bile salts . This process can help to reduce high cholesterol levels .

According to a study conducted in 2003, 60 people , a daily intake of half a teaspoon ( 1 gram ) of cinnamon not only to reduce blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes , it is also significantly reduced LDL (bad cholesterol ) and triglycerides.

4. Improved cognitive function
The many studies have shown that the smell and flavor of cinnamon as a stimulant for the mind, and perhaps improve memory , and also improve the cognitive functions of the brain, and vacated eyesight .

5. Improves blood circulation
Cinnamon contains a large amount of a compound called coumarin, which is well known as " blood clot " which helps in blood circulation and help prevent blood clots that may lead to heart disease. However, should people with bleeding disorders or taking medicines prescribed to prevent blood clots do not take cinnamon .

6. Anti- arthritis
Due to its anti-inflammatory, and cinnamon help relieve arthritis pain and stiffness of muscles and joints. In a study conducted at the Copenhagen University , patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast was a great relief in arthritis pain after one week, and can walk without pain within one month.

7. Anti- fungal and bacterial
Benefit cinnamon Sherpa in treating fungal Alkndida a white fungi fester in the intestine and spread in the whole body and not just in the vagina in women , as was thought , and the causes of antibiotics and birth control pills , alcohol and rheumatism drugs and drugs of that class SAE de such as Advil . The treatment includes reducing sugars and starches , natural yoghurt and natural yoghurt and fresh garlic and cabbage - section and fresh thyme , but it has been shown that cinnamon kills strains Alkndida a drug-resistant chemical .

8. Treatment of respiratory problems
Cinnamon address the usual colds or severe . Take one tablespoon of honey with 1/ 4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This will cure most chronic cough and colds. Cinnamon also found to treat the flu , sore throat

9. Help in digestion
Cinnamon is very effective to improve digestion . They help to remove the unwanted gases and foods indigested of the intestine. It also relieves acidity , diarrhea and morning sickness . Often referred to as the digestive stimulant .

10. Relieve menstrual pain
Menstruation - generating where hot Musharoppea used frequently by women , especially after the birth of generating menopause and to help ease aches and pains and cramps after giving birth .

11. Toothache Treatment
Cinnamon is a very useful treatment for toothache . Simply make a paste using five teaspoons of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder . With a little toothpaste on the area for 2 or 3 times a day until the pain disappears .

12. Helps to strengthen the immune system
A mixture of honey and cinnamon powder can help boost the immune system , eliminate fatigue and increase the longevity of the individual. It is also known to have anti-aging properties .

13. Remove halitosis
A mixture of honey and cinnamon powder is also excellent for the treatment of halitosis. A recent study found cinnamon -flavored gum that eliminate the bad smell in the mouth they eliminate bacteria in gum .
Gargling with a mixture of honey and cinnamon powder and the amount of water helps to maintain the same refreshed throughout the day.

14. Treatment for headaches
Cinnamon is useful in the treatment of headaches caused by exposure to cold air . Place a thin paste of cinnamon powder mixed with water on the forehead and head pain will be gone .

15. Reduce urinary tract infections
According to the study , people who eat cinnamon on a regular basis do not have any problems in the urinary tract.