Secrets and the ambiguity of the language of the eyes

Language eyes have variables and constants, variables related to emotions attitudes and speech language silent about what simmering in the breasts, and constants for the printing and print that man by whom smile on his eyes, his qualities, positively or negatively, often self-styled language eyes "windows to the soul" because they can send a lot of different signalsnon-verbal.

When a person wearing dark glasses, this will prevent others from reading signals and expressions of his eyes. This is why wearing dark glasses to gangs and those who want to appear strong character sometimes.

The human being has the ability to control eye view of what he wants to move the eye, but he can not control the expression by the eye. For example when human Ivajie something sad can control his mouth smiling that controls his tongue to keep silent or speak But Aigdr that stop the tears that washed away from the sample, he can not even apparent sadness hides his eyes.

Here, the eye formed an important part of effective human communication was her own that language of Algesdalta languages ​​helped to non-verbal communication in particular humanity.
1 - Al Ain and wraps :
Sometimes manifested the eye what holds in the psychology of desire can not utter or permit .
For example, many of the students in our university hates some of the members of the faculty and I have to deal with him as he loves .. FHWA now stifles ball and showing love ..
Shape of the eye when secret
Be dilated eye and can not look at it stifles thing for a long time are seen to the person for a certain period during the talk and then look for something else, and then up to the person , and so on .

2 - Al Ain and exclamation :
Exclamation shows severe eye perfectly . Exclamation is known and surprising to look through the eye.
Shape of the eye when exclamation when marveling be eye dilated eye lens rises a few of the top

Note : It can be accompanied by an exclamation rounded eyebrows from each other and provide head forward slightly . But I can to humans if pain himself that Atlashahm and I have for same can not be prevented from expanding and looking at the top .

3 - eye and sense of error :
Many of us faulting feels mistakes I was a few of us apologize for the error which Badr . If we appreciate the lack of an apology in the eye is not appreciated .
Shape of the eye when the sense of the error
The eye and relaxed person looks down and sometimes if the error is very large eye can not look into the other person who sinned against him.

4 - eye and envy
Eye big role envy and the mercy of God that he did not make all eyes have the ability to envy
Shape of an eye envious
Egypt strong eye fixed outlook and something to consider which Jbha for long periods of time and let fixed not change . The strength of this eye can not be viewed on a permanent basis .

5 - Al Ain and lying
More exposes the false eye. F. eye accustomed to honesty.
Shape of the eye while lying
The eye medium expansion and many Blinking and many inclination to the left.

6 - Al Ain and love
What's the most beautiful love if it stems from the heart and from the eye reflex . F. eye mirror reflects the love of the heart which
Shape of the eye while dealing with your beloved
Dealing with your beloved is something permanent not take the eye specific shape to deal with the beloved example can be issued beloved exclamation mark Vtstgrb eye. And I was at the moment of love and absolute usually in the beginnings of love, the eye , smiling notes smile upon NOTE fully and frequently dropping eye down and submit them to the top of the movement inconsistent and Note , but intense scrutiny from the other person ( the beloved ) .

7 - Al Ain and love liar
There are several cases of false love .
If human love shows and I Internists hatred in this case enter into the eye and wraps. However, if the man shows and I love in Internists it to loves and hates the other person this is evidenced by the eye in different forms differ from men to women.

Shape of the eye during a liar love ( men)
Usually be strong and bold eye and look to the right and to the top .

Shape of the eye during a liar love ( women)
Be many turbulent and eye movement to Yemen and up and I was this restless does not notice if the audit and meditate in view of its eyes .

8 - Al Ain and sadness
Grief is something inherent in the man Flaeugd man did not grieve . Can hide the human grief and joy and shows I expose owner eye and show his grief .
Shape of the eye when sadness
Be lower eyelid to the eye highest high and often secrete tears at this moment.

And now let 's look together to form the eyes and their meanings

- Sleepy eyes :
Shape: when you take the eye of this form they look like you want to sleep they are sleepy , and the truth is that it the case of the language of eyes expressing surrender and bow to the status quo or satisfaction shy (she eyes Ksova ) no malice nor subtle and not stupid, so they are the eyes of good people who lack malignancy.

Indicate : a passive indifference and stillness and the de facto acceptance without discussion or debate. When I look eye sleepy , know that the owner recognizes you leadership and trust you completely , but beware betraying it Halim If the anger then ( under Alsoahi of the Doahi ). It does not mean notice to surrender and satisfaction , trust and acceptance to exploit it in evil, you may be allowed but avenge what he had the opportunity for revenge.

- Narcotic Eye :
Form : is lost confused sad eyes showing signs of restlessness and disease shows good owner and love of safety and calm.

Indicate : that the owner scrawny defeated without resistance because it is negative and lacks a spiritual faith, but is brave in the commission of sin (not jealous ), does not support it at all because it is more harm than good , so he hurt himself , the most successful thing benefit the reform among the people o Bhlo speech, and palliative and Jabr Al Khater between litigants , but if contending dawn and God forbid. . And Allah knows best.

- Eyes Iialbeh the
Shape: guile and cunning , Ram , and refraction of the eyelid to lurk Top and stare Balhaddqh center like Saqr eye is about to fall on its prey, with a tinge clear public eye .

Show : the intelligent mixed artfully and owner torch activity and parked it in the business of grave and serious that require well-behaved and overcome obstacles and this class of people will be Kaltajer ( Take Hat ) does not know the courtesies and attendant but mastered his work , a person rigid is fun, as well as women hate it Bleeder depraved . . So successful business owner in the military and security only, while the other Sometimes , sometimes .

- Sunken eyes
Form : deep down the front like a recessed hiding like a rat in his hole lurks , surrounded by a halo grim look with anticipation and mysterious unit .

Show : the hatred of Devin and envy to the eye, but pretended b tuff and smile yellow they are bursting around the darkness expresses what the heart of blackness and regardless who you look at it , and this owner either be oppressed and does not have the power given him injustice subdued on his command , but will not forgive a moment of revenge , and can be either malicious psychologically complex dominated by a heavy black inside to carry worry and grief . . Be guessing him and tried to gain ; so Bnasrth if oppressed and perfume ÎÇŘŃĺ or avoid treatment because it feels undigested must right of access.

- Eyes Alnmria ( strict)
Shape : oval glossy fixed in his Kalnmr look Almitrbes not smile , nor sorrow , but rigor and seriousness , stalking and lack of refraction and strong self - confidence .

Indicate : the stability of principle and hard work and blind obedience in the execution of orders with precision and lack of courtesy, this view shows the firm position that is irreversible, with the occurrence of this look at the problem must be treated as the owner firmly OK to decide on the issue and relentless because he is stubborn and arrogant , they must break his arrogance and decisiveness argument with no injustice , because if oppression Sigdr . . Val_husm with Beautiful is cured.

- Good eye
Form: is the most beautiful and eye Jericho because the backs of innocence pronounce purity, serenity and fulfillment.

Shows: the good heart of the owner and his confidence and good he thinks and the purity of his life and his generosity usual, and the owners are unfortunately labor in all their conditions and their business, because they trust in all people and do not know how to live "among wolves," and they wise wise geniuses like calm and seek perfection in everything and love peace and hate aggression, but do not accept, but Iktson of the aggressor, and they have an insight with they trust who does not deserve, with their hearts they feel good, but the predominance of them make them Asamehon and improve their conjecture. . It is seen them loves them without fear they are happy, even in the darkest of adversity.

- Laughing Eyes
Shape: the eyes of a beautiful smiling Dhokh the net like the eyes of a small child are luster and innocence, and look at her and hopes the language gives the feeling of comfort and reassurance and confidence .

Show : the purity of conscience and love , acceptance and a good heart , but advised the owner not to laugh his eyes in front of villains or foreign women , because this will bring upon mistrust and daring him , eyes smileys owner a few carefree happy as a healthy and well-being and serenity and pleasure , but slender sense affect safety empty with the challenges that it is very brave , wise , but does not like the aggression is loved by all the people hated the people of hatred and bastards.

- Yellow eyes
Shape: make you feel immediately what you see wondrous contractility , and warned of dealing with the owner with narrow it mixed with faint yellowish gray mist jerky in a strange looks confusing .

Indicate : that the owner sick liver disease or bitterness or in the eye itself , and only in the owner including acquired from the signs and features of human catty envious depraved , so people say about the man who does not forgive nor give way to understanding , but has a quarrel and holds Gla : This man yellow ( biliary ) Felthdhir treated and dimension him booty because it is harmless and the best way to treat it taking his hand to the way of the righteous ,

- Bold eyes
Form : fixed dilated pupil Strong bold outlook make you feel at first glance that the owner of a brave and sure Nvsesh , and rarely owner closes his eyes or shaking during the speech .

- The evil eye
Shape: Walleye unstable, designed by evil, topped with a hint of arrogance and condescension, and at first glance when they look at it feel that the owner is a criminal and a traitor.

Show: the inferiority complex that between the ribs as a human being complex catty arrogant, and often have a criminal and tries to hide his mistake by pretending that versed and honest, but the language of the eyes do not lie Vtfdha eyes appear Ktkachirh mad dog. This view of the eyes red and the alarm signal to warn the risk of the owner and know that hate you if you considered this language evil eyes and he lost the light of faith, therefore, is a ruthless black heart is in fact a coward and bad manners not be trusted at all.

- Eyes Al_mezh the
Form: Many of movement raises upper eyelid Bgmz the Lamaze with juicy lower lip sometimes see a pale yellow tinge, and its owner many pay attention depraved.

- Eyes broken
Shape with : broken Menksh closed swab often sadness and remorse , the owner of most of his time charged arch Khater worried about , as they say , or ( appointed broken ) to express toddler .

Indicate : to Mkpotat restraint either the product of deprivation or pangs of conscience and self anguish and regret the loss of dear or something gal. This view is irresistible , but does not raise Jaffna or proving a look in the eye who knows what they are or Aannbha , because the sense of guilt breaking the eye, as well as the anguish of grief for the deprivation break the eye, it is worth us to Ntervq owner and Naamlh wisely nor Nzlh , but Justice by virtue of God is with him and treated and repaired or compensation for deprived him Balsloy and compassionate sympathy and praise of God on wellness.

- Innocent eyes
Shape: stable outlook with pupillary fineness and a scene with a smile of innocence of the general form owner with a sense of love and trust it ..

Shows : the good heart of the owner and purity  , but of naivety in some cases, making it easier to laugh it by malicious phishers , as we say: ( intentions ) is a good man . Whatever makes a man a patent which is not of the owners eyes innocent it soon reveals his eyes, because the eyes of innocent fixed in the form of wonderful depositary Pacific , the owners of these eyes wise men , but in anger Ojark God's love sincerely and hate no return , because they love justice , decisiveness and firmness and hate injustice and hatred , are happy and those around them as well.

- Compassionate eyes
Shape: like eyes or affectionate on her tinge of pity , compassion and sense of paper , a thin transparent gloss and luster beautiful mixed in Hanayaha Rkerkh honesty and kindness , loyalty, and love.

Show : the honesty and sincerity , loyalty, and love net in God, and God, but diligence and selflessness , sacrifice, and this language is silent about what sits on the throne heart of the love and dedication , and this perception emitted from the eyes of mothers and children and husbands faithful more than others , the language of the eyes rest assured heart and rejoice Alnvses grown confidence the hope is nice, and the man the owner of these eyes is a good man pure , be sure to his company and his love because he does not know not treason , but screen Eye has revealed what is deep in the heart of the nobility and integrity of faith and purity of the innermost and are generally indicative of a perfect figure .

- Eyes Idiots
Shape: the Bulging light and the signs of confusion and stupid with a smile idiots with move eyelids Bartashh the trembling with stimulate nothing.

Indicate : ( defeated ) the owner and weakness and Bladth with the cunning blindly swings and confusion . It should be for those who treat the it and improve it, because the owner of these eyes ( on his intentions ), as they say, the likes of the loves and hates of hates no centrist , he knows no compromise, either black , or white with no consideration for the consequences whatsoever.

- Eyes the
Shape : when Tgehz eyes it expresses a revolution, or fear, or impressive ..... This Algehoz the expression of views , or hear something sexy sorrow or joy, each anointed obvious to the viewer meditator , Algehoz are eyelids open spacing for the largest space of the eye with the emergence of formality to the eye expressing what they self- feelings and sensations .

Indicate : that the person who Tgehz eyes excessively Al_husasseh toward what he sees, and can not find a way to express only his eyes is ok but lacks the reservation like in that position reveals all of his without warning , and this is evidence not and , this Algehoz assure you that it does not fit for the difficult tasks of a confidential nature . . Yet it is unfaithful to you not bent toward you any evil or even anything with that rebellious , or is treat you Bmaammeltk a good fine and evil humans .