Diabetes Smurfs! Or pigmentation disease "Smurf Diease" "Argyria", a strange disease, a very rare and there are no global statistics for the number of people infected with the disease, and scientists believe that result from eating certain foods or quantities of the (silver) !!! Transforms the skin to gray or blue color tends to be blue,
The name of the disease as Smurfs disease being transforms skin color to the color of Smurfs, which we used to see in cartoons.
In 2008 has interviews with reporters one with the disease, a Karason, who at the age of 40 years, who turned his skin color to blue after he used colloidal silver to ease the disease he was suffering from, he said he was drinking at least 10 ounces a day as a remedy for arthritis joints, based on the announcement in one of the newspapers and magazines, which he says Ban Fiqdah-ease arthritis, and after that taking colloidal silver for a period found the color of his skin has turned blue!!
And Karason added that the media and these allegations have no basis in science which was the reason for his suffering with this disease !!