Know now if the person in front of you says frankness and lies

Now you can find out if the person in front of you the honest or a liar, through a combination of qualities show it, namely:

1) Control Face

Look at the facial expressions precision, the expressions that appear on the speaker's face and disappear quickly in a fraction of a second, but it shows the true feeling invisible to the spokesman, and if you do not have a sense of high these expressions can training, for example, rises the eyebrows to the top when he feels spokesman sadness or grief.

2) Ethnicity

Of more signs on the speaker do you lie to see sweats began, on the other hand, it is difficult to rely solely on this phenomenon, it may be caused by the presence of sweat is the spokesman characterized by nervous or embarrassed.

3) control the movement of the eyes of the speaker

Through the direction of his eyes look, sincere When trying to remember the details of what it looks right, but are seen false left.

4) Watch the throat

False constantly tends to soften his throat, and through swallowing or eating water to remove tension.

5) continued the rest of the parts of the body movements

When you follow you for a liar, you'll notice that his hands and arms and legs limited movement and even stiff, also notes that sometimes touch the ears or the back of the neck with his hands, on the other hand remember that these may be signs of nervousness not lying.

6) Note the tone of voice during the speech

Tone of voice can be an indication of lying, as the false starts suddenly talking faster or slower than normal, or that makes the tone of voice tension rise suddenly.

7) Details exaggerated mental

Some liars tend to add more details exaggerated his words to feel despair after previous attempts in that makes you believe him.

When a speaker you lie it loses its sense of time due him Astgrach to carry out the reaction, if you direct a question to someone, then he this for someone to respond rapidly after the end of the question directly, this is a sign of lying, and perhaps the reason for this to he trained himself on this answer and prepare for it before.

8) Watch the false reactions to your questions

I always feel false uncomfortable in its during directed questions to him, which turns his head or body away, or that does not subconsciously put something between you and me, as that during redirected charge for honest person that does not say honesty, it takes the position of striker angry, but false takes the position of defender.

9) Pay attention to the spokesman repeated inter

If the suspect is using the same words over and over again, this is an indication of his lying, as it tries often to remember specific sentences that seem convincing, and when they ask him to explain the situation you find re-use the same phrases again.