Best Tips to wake up from your sleep actively

Heavier today are moments when we wake up, and then the next few minutes, stay tuned .. This 12-step make active you wake up and sleep comfortable.

1 - Try to get as much enough sleep, all the studies have shown that adults should they get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day, some may need more or less, but must not be less than the number of hours of sleep for 6 hours, go to bed and leave your body wakes up alone without alarm settings and here you will know the number of hours that your body needs sleep to wake up in stride.

2 - when and what you eat for dinner greatly affect your sleep, Vasha late makes the body in working condition as it tries to digest food so difficult for you to surrender to sleep, if you eat a big meal and creamy may cause you bloating, indigestion and make you wake up frequently to go to the bathroom, if forced for a late meal should be light as possible.

3 - adult body such as children need to abide by the table and get used to it, if your body accustomed to sleep at a certain time and also waking up at a certain time, you'll wake up and you're at the top of the activity and energy because everything in your body would be just right.

4 - sleep in the dark, the best thing for your body to take adequate dose of rest and renewal activity, Exposure to any light that would disrupt the body's internal cycle.

5 - Be sure to drink water or any other beverage tonic immediately after waking up because the body is in a state drought After a full night's sleep, and drinking on the first day stimulates the organs of the body فيعطيك activity that you need.

6 - Breakfast is the most important because they provide the necessary Alklojos body to start his day activity, it also helps to control the rate of sugar in the body, which if dropped will give you a sense of fatigue and stress.

7 - Be sure to exposure to sunlight from 15 minutes to half an hour immediately after waking up, this leads to reduced production of melatonin which helps to wake you up and keep you alert.

8 - anyone spend 20 minutes in the outdoor power makes them feel physical and mental activity 20% more than any normal person, you can go to just a 10-minute walk around your home in the outdoors to ensure more activity.

9 - Close your eyes for 15 minutes of meditation helps the blood flow to the brain and stimulates your body, try to sit quietly when you wake up, but prefer to be in a sunny location.

10 - physical activity in the morning helps the blood flow in your body allowing you instant energy, so be sure to practice any sport in the morning, even if it was just cleaning your car outdoors.

11 - boycotted the caffeine throughout the day, of course, must deal with a cup of coffee or tea in the morning to help the production of adrenaline in your body and give you the activity, but not exceeding it for two cups a day and be careful not to eat any caffeine before going to sleep six hours at least to be able to sleep easily and deeply.

12 - Stay away from energy drinks because they trick They motivate you already in the beginning after dealt with, but after a period affect the adrenal gland and always give you a sense of fatigue and stress. Instead, tea green light caffeine and useful at the same time because its antioxidant