They have to learn the language of the beauty of the soul

The beauty of the soul language must be learned, and we will now display a set of characteristics that make a person characterized by the beauty of the soul

Not to disclose private troubles

Grief and pain and distress elements that already exist in the human and can not get rid of them but must hide or minimize as much as possible so that others does not tire because they are forced to participate in our sorrows.

Understand others

It is advisable to try to understand other people's problems.
And that the person involved as much as possible not only in the big events, but in small Oadakma must respect the sorrows of others and express their delight in their joys.

Aware of listening

Listening to others attractive because the person who mastered the art of listening to the conversations of others have loved them as they should be left to others the freedom to talk and then share it afterwards.

Lack of superiority over others

Many believe the decision themselves that they to Aagulwn others in anything so Valtaala them may affect the relationship in the way of talking and acting is decent and eloquent, while humility makes the owner always loved by others.

Show admiration at the right time

Everyone loves to receive praise, but not to the point of hypocrisy and flattery Man needs to show admiration and acclaim that renewed self-confidence but I prefer to show this
Admiration misplaced word faithful in a timely and appropriate way.

Reasonable optimism

Optimist always loved it makes others see the lens of reality and the world, but this optimism must be within reasonable limits and does not address to the imagination false reflex and does not recognize the desperate optimist but it always renews hope in solving problems within the limits of the existing possibilities.

Accept the observations of others

It's good reception observations and criticism of others an open mind if issued by the people sincerely do not they wanted only to help sincere has made such remarks from people but in both cases it is recommended to accept what brought you from a note or criticism with a smile and whatever the price with what poses the control of the mind and emotional control.

Gay psychology of thinking

When thinking about a topic, best to be Nvsik fun and quiet so that you can decide on things smooth and Garmakdh But when Nvsik depressing so do not try to be resolved in something so as not to taint the result of fear and anxiety to think and act psychology of good and also be personalized attractive to those close to you and must be always act psychology of good and if you show all the previous qualities you without a good recipe you will lose an important element of gravity.

Finally candor

The candor recipe essential qualities of gravity is due in thinking with modern self and with others, and the person with duplex or self-loving has brought an end that they deserve.