Best ways to lose weight without diet tough

The best ways and tips to reduce and lose weight without diet or diet harsh methods

1 - Determine the time for the meal :
Select a specific timing will eat it, for example, 20 minutes and especially if you are slow to terminate your food, this is one of the best habits to lose weight without diet plan is complicated. In terms of identifying the time to finish the food will make you eat small amounts of most foods available on the dining room table.

2 - eat more vegetables :
Eat more fruits and vegetables every day than usual is a very excellent way to lose weight, where vegetables and fruits contain fibers that contain a large quantity of water with prices Hraraah less and if be cooked without fat.

3 - Start the soup :
Start soup in any meal is very useful because it will help appetite for a meal key may be creamy, it can be soup with broth low-calorie or soup canned or use frozen vegetables and simmer away from the soup high-fat and high-calorie .

4 - eating whole grains :
Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, whole wheat, all of which help and work to reduce weight as containing fewer Hraraah than when a pizza OCLC specify the class of vegetable instead of meat.

5 - eat at home:
Eat meals cooked at home at least five days a week is much better than fast food because they contain significant calories.

6 - Chewing gum :
Chewing sugarless gum with a strong flavor if you're on the verge of the attack on the accuser and a snack. Making dinner after work or in concert watch television or surf the Internet are a few dangerous scenarios for snacking.

7 - more sleep equals less weight :
Can you sleep well or to increase add hours of sleep every day, according to researchers at the University of Michigan who was studying figures for the intake of calories in 2500 days. There are statistical sure that sleep helps in one way or another in the lack of calories taken by 6%, where he works to reduce appetite.

8 - The use of short and wide glasses :
Studies indicated that the visual cues of the person working on deception in less consumption of any drink and that when using cups short and wide.

9 - trimmed your dishes :
Chose the dish dedicated to food 10 inches instead of the dish 12 inches for lunch automatically will amount less where noted Dr. Cornell Bryan Ink that most people eat more food if the dish was the largest so you reduce your plate or bowl that it address your diet to lose from 100-200 calories per day.

10 - minimizing as much as possible about eating pregnancy :
Eat vegetarian meals often is usually Diet for Vegetarians tend to eat Miawwadhm for meat such as legumes rich in fiber and low price, such as thermal bulgur bean and lentil soup.

11 - burn more than 100 calories :
Without dieting you can burn an additional 100 calories per day and burn calories often vary depending on the weight of the person can afford trying one of these activities
1 mile walk about 20 minutes.
Cleaning the house for 30 minutes.
Mental effort by a large factor in weight loss, such as studying or businesses that require mental effort high and for a period of 30 minutes.

12 - Yoga :
A person who practices yoga weighs less than others also confirmed studies conducted by the Journal of the American and especially for women, where those who practice yoga shall take into account the obligation approach certain to eat, confirms the researchers through the calm self-awareness in the practice of yoga may help many people to resist excessive food.