Damage and the benefits of eating chocolate

Whatever there was talk of a deli distinctive, chocolate remains in first place among them all, it is children to adults Age

Who among us does not find a special pleasure in eating a slab of chocolate, at any time and in any occasion?
Chocolate remains the most common and widespread among different foods, due to the big pleasure that it finds an all-in eating it.
This, even though we hear about the disadvantages than being talked about its benefits; Vqlail are the ones who are talking about the health benefits and psychological chocolate, with much talk about his role in weight gain, raise cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing the cellulite in the body, but those damages which may be caused by not prevent him from staying a favorite food for each of the various foods that can be selected.
And more yet, you may be surprised many to learn that the Chocolate benefits for the health of the physical and psychological countless, provided eating in moderation, also stresses specialist nutrition Lebanese Sabine Karam, which confirms that it can enter the chocolate into a healthy diet, and within the diet without a problem, a condition that gets it in a measured way.
Each facts about chocolate Bodhararh the benefits, and all questions that can be asked in this topic, you will find the answers here.

- Tells a lot about the disadvantage of chocolate more than its benefits, is it true that the disadvantages overshadow the benefits?
Is not specifically chocolates and cocoa, which is an essential component in it, bad in itself; Valkakao is not harmful, but the manufacturing process, which is going through that hurt and caused what may result from damage when eaten.
In the manufacturing process is added to the cocoa milk and butter, in addition to filling that are in many kinds of chocolate, and favored by many, so I can say that as far as ordering more in the manufacturing process, increases the damage that can be produced with him, especially because in this case more than percentage of fat and the fat, sugar and calories.
And therefore linked to damage caused by chocolate, in this case the weight gain and associated diseases that result from the high proportion of the fat, sugar and cholesterol.

- Including three different types of chocolate bitter, sweet and white from each other?
Bitter Chocolate is ranked first in terms of the benefits that it, it contains a lower percentage of fat, may be added to the milk fat. Thus bitter chocolate consists of cocoa butter
The sweet chocolate compounded the sugar and milk, and the white chocolate, which adore a lot is subject to the least percentage of benefits, especially as it is completely free of cocoa which lies all the benefits of chocolate.
In general, we find the benefits of chocolate more bitter chocolate, especially as it is not subject to significant manufacturing process and contains less fat ratio and proportion of cocoa more.
It also must be noted that the bitter chocolate gives a sense of satiety, so that it is less intake of chocolate when chosen.
So it turns out that cuts appetite, and reduces the desire to eat at the next meal, and reduces the desire to eat salty foods, Venmal to eat less when you eat it.

- What benefits can be obtained by eating chocolate?
Several studies have shown that eating chocolate may help reduce blood pressure, and helps to improve the body's response to insulin.
Also features a chocolate antioxidant substances in it, and that helps to provide protection from heart disease and cancer, which is found by a large margin in bitter chocolate.

- Is there a certain amount permitted because they eat?
Excellence chocolate benefits certain, does not mean the invitation to over-eating, Valaatdal essential in everything we eat, as it contains chocolate fat, and should not be eaten in abundance, can eat a small amount of chocolate to get the benefits; because overuse leads to health problems are many.
The amount that is recommended because they eat is a one box and weighed 10 grams to 15 grams per day, this amount can be entered into a healthy diet followed.

- Are there certain conditions to choose the best chocolate or "health" more?
Bitter chocolate that is best advised choice, specifically the one that contains 70% of cocoa, or 85% of cocoa, but not stuffed.
This type of chocolate is the least industrialized between different types of chocolate, and can take advantage of its benefits more than other species.
With reference to the saturated fat (Stearicacid) originally contained in the bitter chocolate is not harmful saturated Kaldhun the foods that contain them usually rich in fat.

- I talked to a recent study issued by the University of California, American chocolate's role in weight reduction, how true is this?
Appeared in several studies that eating chocolate may help reduce appetite, but all of the studies associated with this subject are not final, but is not installed by 100%.

- You can eat chocolate if you follow the diet to reduce weight?
Not recommended denying oneself from eating delicious foods in the event of diet to reduce weight; because the deprivation diet prevents continue for a longer time, eating chocolate if diet is not wrong, but that can be entered into the diet in a measured way. For example could _delh, for example, a share of the fruit.
Can find a way to enter into the diet without a problem, provided that this is done in a measured way. It is recommended not to put chocolate in an accessible place where, to avoid eating only in the event cravings to it, but the focus remains on the fruit in the diet and not on chocolate, but can be entered in the diet at 15 or 20 g per day, provided eating type less industrialized.

- Is it better to eat chocolate at a certain time of the day?
It is better to avoid eating chocolates pm; because the body burns at this time by less, it is best dealt with in the afternoon during which tend where women, especially to eat candy or chocolate for energy, but they feel a desire great to eat chocolate in this period of the day.

- To what extent health is to eat chocolate relieves tension?
There is no doubt that chocolate helps the secretion of hormones associated with feelings of happiness, also helps to relieve tension