We used to have a fish fins and then used for swimming, but Smoktna which we will talk about today is that fish is a fish her hands and legs, and can walk in the bottom of the water and not like other fish use their fins to swim and move around inside the water.
It Aloksolutl or salamander or as they are called water imp and English Axolotl and enjoy the legs and hands because it is simply the larval stage of the Salamander, frog or comet.
It Aloksolutl or salamander or as they are called water imp and English Axolotl and enjoy the legs and hands because it is simply the larval stage of the Salamander, frog or comet.

This is a very strange object, and endangered amphibian and very active, where he starts his day with Sunrise Mmzia, his day in catching small fish, and insects swamp, an oddity of this animal. As he could spend his life without moving from its Alhernqah state, ie without physical growth is complete. The remains gelatinous body, and eyes without pupils.

Live animal Aloksolutl in lake "Alchalkw" central Mexico, and colors range from light pink, dark brown, dark yellow and is considered a type of sea urchins called Oksolutl has the capabilities and advantages fantastic. Parties to this object maritime resume growth after cutting them, and if the wound bleeding stops within seconds. Scientists are now seeking to take advantage of these benefits in human medicine !!
These are some of his photos