Ensure much damage to human health, physical and mental

First: ensure health damage
Summarized ensure long term damage to the body and health in general as follows:

1) reduce the efficiency of the body's muscle:
Experiments carried out by a number of scholars of physical education that jobs physical increase strength and decrease from time to time during the day, showing efficiency of muscle, and begin to increase gradually at four in the morning, and the range of the maximum at seven o'clock in the morning, and will continue until eleven o'clock at noon, where the level of starts in the gradual decline until three o'clock in the afternoon, where gradually increasing until six o'clock in the evening, then come back in the gradual decline again, and a significant drop in starts at nine at night, and has a range of at three o'clock in the morning.

2) Defective immune system:
Cause iPod and lack of sleep imbalance in the immune system, a first line of defense against disease, which means the beginning of the collapse of the body before the disease and when Iatl this device, this means - quite simply - the collapse, so that this device programmer waking hours and hours of sleep needed by the human , and when a change occurs in the daily cycle infected immune system interference and chaos.

3) the incidence of insomnia:
Insomnia is not a lack of sleep, it is a sleep Almeshd who is one in which the إغفاءة and attention, and insomniac his unremitting not settle, it fluctuates on the bed in every direction, and wiling to sleep in various ways without interest, and sometimes have an idea preoccupied with the subject of ensuring whether it's a film televised or a problem at work, for example. If insomnia extended several nights خارت a strong person, and his mind stopped production.

4) spinal deformity:
Frequent ensure lead to deformities of the spine as a result of sitting for long periods of time in front of the TV and the other, especially if you sit incorrectly, where infected and damaged skeletal deformities of the bones and vertebrae, and thus to the injury to bend the spine.

Second: The psychological damage to ensure:
Leads stay up late at night for long periods to a lack of the hormone melatonin which is produced by the brain during sleep at night. It is well known that the hormone melatonin is a hormone secreted by a small gland the size of a grain of lupine exist in the brain known as the pineal gland. This hormone is responsible for regulating the rhythm vital role in the human body, where he works hormone melatonin reduce mental disorders and mental, which explains the control of the feelings of pessimism and anxiety, and a tendency to unity and isolation from the others with a person who frequently stay up at night.
There are many studies suggest that melatonin has other effects, such as anti-cancer effect, aging and oxidation