Factors that lead to psychological comfort

Most people suffer, especially women, at certain times of psychological states tiring adversely affect the human body and on his mind sometimes may affect around him who love him.

I offer you the most important points that make you psychologically Tertahon Let's read it together.

Note: -
When you apply these points must be fully convinced of its contents.

Here's tips and points:

 Be sure of yourself and your ability to handle things and treat your acts and your problems

 Stay ordinances of Almighty Allah and away from forbidden and hated

 Sit down to yourself every day, even a short time

 Cemented the faith that there is no impossible in life

 To not put obstacles in the Tefikirk

 No one held in the pessimistic things.

 Changed the course of your thinking changed the course of your life.

If forced to do something you do not want it tried to change how you feel and Nvsik towards him.

 Manage your time and your business chaos creates bile, anxiety and hatred

 I take in your head the idea of ​​difficulty becomes stuff as well

Be sure that the health and success of your hands after the success of the Almighty God.

 Not worry the unknown and the mysterious and enigmatic

Do not be overly special sensitivity for some people.

 To Atsi understand yourself

 Atstjl things Things subject Boqatha of the

 Predicted goodness and hope and optimism you find them and do not expect evil Wesera of thee

 Do not make your life a burden to unendurable

Do not forget that success is thinking the same success and vice versa.

 Put in your imagination that you are the finest of all people.

 The largest in the eye of yourself

Do not do, but what a decent human being full and balanced personal

To bother the views of the people and Atkatrt Bnkdhm you ..... However, it was helpful

Gave praise to others and search for beauty points at others.

That human nature in essence one to Ataatadd the multiplicity of races and peoples and religions

The only way to influence people is to speak as people desire

There is neither beautiful nor ugly, but man is thinking, which depicts one man.

The way to the heart of man is to speak to him while pleased

Each person receives outdo in one area at least in this area can learn from it.

Event others about themselves gaining their love

Always be positive

Ataatsour you are the only one who suffers

Look at the beautiful nature at the time of sunset and sunrise and inhale Nasimha the, Alilha and tell her about your problems you will find them comfort and reassurance