Personality Types troubled

There are attributes troubled characters in 1-3% of human beings, but the tag below the disorder is present when a lot different degrees, and according to the medical definition of the types of psychological many abnormal personalities including the following:

First: Personal Reliability
Characterized by difficulty accomplished individual decisions and its repeated daily without reference to others and boring consulted, as it does not oppose others for fear he might lose to help them, and so it may do some business or travel long distances to get the support of others. It is difficult for such an individual to start the project due to lack of confidence does not lack energy. It also does not rest of the unit, so it speeds up the construction of another intimate relationship (as a source of care) when current intimate relationship ends, or maybe before that in anticipation of the loss of the current relationship. And when this individual constant fear disturbing to be left to make the decision himself.

Second: Personal depressive
Rejects any action or activity because Alkaúabh, consider Psodawih to various aspects of life. It's symptoms of depression when it is in the character of the individual length of his life.

Third: personal Altjunbah
Avoids an individual who is characterized by those functional tasks that require continuity with others, and therefore find it does not mingle with others that has not been confirmed that he will be the focus of their acceptance. There is a constant fear of criticism in the forums and social gatherings, and a feeling of incompetence, and therefore find it tends to remain silent when others. He was the general feeling of inferiority.

Fourth: the marginal personal
The same one-dimensional, is subject to extremes of good thinking and concepts, where intense idealism and then get out of the values ​​and then return back to the ideals. Is extreme in its relations, as well as volatility within hours or days between love and hatred excessive excessive with the other. He has a disorder in self-perception, as he abruptly in his actions, and is characterized by instability in emotion and feeling that usually precedes his ideas. Feel the emptiness of self, and the lack of clarity of purpose, and he has a weakness in the ability to adjust the tantrums.

Fifth: personal sadism
Are those that you enjoy the rhythm personal physical injury or mental or both of the others, and be focus . So find those personal looking for jobs that make harm to others pursuant to a project. Perhaps that explains what happened in Ireland from a lack of number of patients to psychiatric clinics with figures Sadism and Alsakoiatih when the extremist group that arose saturated needs psychological harm to others.

VI: personal Alsikobatah (criminal) (anti-society)
Characterized by the inability to compatibility with controls and systems of society, and lack of future planning, and sudden actions. It is also a personal violent, deceitful, irresponsible, and is characterized by failing to learn from past experiences, and lack of remorse for mistakes.
And of this character is usually criminals who have their hearts devoid of compassion. And some of them if was may the intelligent people of righteousness surveys or any perfect recipe reminded of the community in order to attain its sinister goals.

Seventh: Personal obsessive
Characterized by excessive this engaging character Minutes things, and the inability to deal with the spirit of the system, and lack of flexibility in compliance with professionalism systems do not meanings.
These personal exaggerates the ideal, and wasteful work without relaxation and the inability to rely on others to get the job done, and the lack of flexibility, and stubbornness in itself. They also characterized usually , and very conscientious to the extent of the disease, and overused in keeping things is important.

VIII: personal Alchukakh of the (Almertabh)
Characterized these personal suspicion without having that doubt only supports suspicions that does not rely on the fact. This individual will be preoccupied possible non-continuation of his loyalty and his relatives, and the level of trust that you should give it to them, and see that others do not see the reality of what is being plotted for him. It also avoids the relationship intimacy because he believes it is saying to others may be used against him as well as he does not forget the mistakes of others, and do not forgive them, and trying to read the hidden meanings of accidents degree raises tension those who deal with them from the people, and connects the events to each other with suspicion severe, it is permanent Find what relaxes doubts.

IX: personal Alvsimih of the
Such personal Balantoaúah are, isolation, and separation from reality and lack of desire in intimate relationships, and a tendency to individual activities and hobbies and do not usually affected by this personal criticism of others, as characterized by cold emotion and feeling.

Tenth: personal semi-schizophrenic
Are strangely eccentric, and disorder recognize reality, and not to a specific individual's behavior pattern in his life. He was the man who does not predict what might do, or how to think in any Newbie. His fictional far from reality, and the behaviors deviate from such live such circumstances. This individual is usually clear disturbance to others, but he may the idea of ​​a specific and for it no matter how strange.

XI: Personal Almazhukah
Are those that find personal comfort and enjoy when you exceed the non-physical harm or mental or both, so it seeks to be in the citizen harmed by others.

XII: Narcissistic Personality
Feeling unusually greatness and love and the importance of self, and that person rare, or that special kind of unique and can be understood only special people waiting for others to respect of a particular kind of person and his ideas, and it is exploitative and I arrived benefit from the advantages of others and conditions in the personal reconciliation. And is jealous centered around itself, and the order to get the positions not to achieve the same or for the benefit of the people, but rather to achieve personal goals.

XIII: Personal hysterical
Abound among women in particular, and the individual feels them uncomfortable when the focus of consideration and others focus So find them rely on manifestations in pulling the attention of others (due to the lack of substance), and are seeking to gain admiration without providing any order with depth or interest. Superficial feelings and they have the ability to suggest severe.