Know the types of personalities people even easier for you to deal with them

Tiger always critical moments with some people, it may get into Saddam or sensitivities and lack of understanding
The reason is the lack of understanding of the nature and quality of the other party
But if we know that people are divided into three types
We learned how to deal with each type may solve a big thing of the problem

People are divided into three types:
1 - Optical
2 - Audio
3 - Sensual

Basri: kinesthetic be, based on his information pictures, and if you want to dialogue with Him over to him from saying (Look, Shaft, I saw ...........) It is these words that indicate the eyesight

2 - Audio: be quiet between passive and dynamic, based on his information through hearing, which affects many words

I mean floor (Btgiba, and Tudi) can access to his heart for ways words beautiful and romantic.

3 - sensory: It is a very quiet man slender delicate sense, affect it touches and hand expressions

If patted on the shoulder while sadness feel happy and comfortable

If you put your hand on the hand of consoling has reached Message

Body Language

* Processes reflect Knit the area under the eyes or referenced to that person adopts a visual style of thinking, it may be that person is unable to see the thing that reached or perhaps have noticed something special about the words that I have just said.

* Reflect notable movements around the ears or mouth that the transaction process Audio list in the meantime, if the B person pulled his ear, for example, may indicate such movement to object to listen to him, on the other hand, this may indicate luxury to the belief that there are a lot of the important points in the speech, which hears

* Usually accompanied by signs and gestures hands implemented Baldhirain or sensory response.


Leaning people who embrace style kinesthetic thinking to speak very slowly and tone low and Mfajmh than average height, and usually permeates modern several Poses Repeated notable, on the other hand, speaks of people who embrace the style acoustically soft voice variable classes and constant velocity order to draw the attention around them, while talking of people who embrace style visually very quickly and tone high rather than a medium

* Breathing:

Sensory: - breathe deeply and regularity of the lower part of the lung directly

Audio: - breathing regularly but from the mid-chest area.

Optical: - breathe slowly through the upper part of the chest only

Excerpts from the three types of human

The piece does not control the people from your perspective you are, but they see from their perspective, it may err in their understanding and they rush to judgment

Now that you learned some of the information he tried to mimic the temperament of each type for the consideration of the perspective and understand is

This information greatly benefit married couples

After that recognize her husband's wife on the quality of any of these species is it? Will be able to enter his heart and his mind-style that mimics the style of the introduction of information