Oily Skin Care properly in order to get healthy skin and free from defects

Oily Skin Care need special care to get rid of oily skin problems. Oily skin is characterized increase secretions fat on the skin, especially with the presence of large pores that lead to increased grain and blisters on the skin.

Beautician says Maha Awad said oily skin characterized by excessive which gives the impression that it is clean, oily skin is exposed to increased be pimples and blackheads on the skin and the girl must be paid Oily Skin Care manner to prevent the emergence of problems.

And Maha explain some steps to take care of oily skin properly in order to get healthy skin and free from defects

1 - You must not clean the skin using a special cleaner fatty oily skin to get rid of excess fat at least twice a day

2 - Use peeled the skin every week to get rid of the remnants of dead skin and bacteria and clean the pores of the skin, such as avocado mask or oatmeal for oily skin

3 - The use of skin creams free of oils and fats to maintain moisturize the skin

4 - Avoid the use of base powder creams that cause clogged pores and blackheads are

5 - put sun cream free from oils when exposed to the sun in abundance.

6 - the need to get rid of cosmetics on the skin before going to sleep so as not to hurt the skin

7 - can get rid of oily skin gloss overload through the work of the starch, the spectrum holder status hanging from the starch in the cup lukewarm water and then with a piece of Alqkn dip faithful and pass on the skin and leave for 10 minutes and then wash the skin thoroughly with water.