Some misinformed person believes about human minds

The brain of most members of the human body complex in the way it works, which is responsible for thinking and volitional control our actions and some involuntary acts, and consists of a huge network of neurons that coordinate work among them nervous by electrical discharges and chemicals.

You may hear a lot of facts and information about the brain and how it works and exciting things about his way of working, but not all of what we hear is true, and these seven real information we hear from our minds.

1) we only use 10% of our brains
The fact that the human brain uses a whole, but not at one time, has been promoted to that information wrong spiritual healers to prove that they are using part of the ninety percent of non-users to contact ghosts.

2) alcohol kills brain cells
Alcohol does not kill brain cells, but a lot of it may lead to a lack of vitamin "B", which in turn affects the nerve cells in the body, including the brain, and cause the person's actions non-balanced and slow reactions and unusual way to speak.

3) the brain still works even after the separation of the head from the body
The spread that theory because some who were executed that way watching it move their Jvonhm, but scientists attribute this to contractions involuntary muscle, not moves involuntarily from the brain, because as soon as the cut off blood loaded with oxygen to the head, the brain enters a state of coma and gradually begins to die, the brain can not be considered separated from the body is able to understand anything or do any act or think.

4) the brain deals with information that comes to him from the five senses
The fact that the brain deals with information that comes to him from more than a sense of the five senses, if touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste are the senses Home there Hawwasa may include two of them or more, Valtilm may include a sense of touch, taste, and there is a sense perception rights to put it in Space, for example, all of which are secondary uses brain senses all the data issued by it and dealt with.

5) The color of the entire brain gray
In fact contains the brain on the colors white, gray and black, and the reason for this belief that sees the brain in packages of laboratories and museums can not see in its natural state, but in his case Saved by the color which is gray from the outside, but it also contains other colors from the inside, because the brain is divided into different parts.

6) that the brain responds to the messages that went to the person's subconscious without realizing
In one of the experiments has been written declaration in theaters cinema for too short not perceived by the mind - about 1/300 of a second - urges viewers to buy soda and popcorn, and claimed the experience that it has achieved an increase in sales amounted to 57%, and the conclusion was The subconscious mind receives messages and works without human to feel but the owner of the experiment later admitted they were not correct results, and did not prove any such thing.

7) classical music make us smarter
The University of California in the nineties the work of extensive studies and research about classical music and its impact on intelligence, and Sri believe that it raises the level of intelligence in children and for that resorted to some mothers to turn classical music constantly next to their children, and the fact that none of this has not been proven scientifically that his As a result of IQ, but rather improves the brain's ability to solve problems momentarily.