Hidden in the human capacity

Abounded talk about subtle energies in the human, Kteward ideas (Telepathy), The Sixth Sense, predict the future, or move objects from a distance, or to the so-called "travel planetary" (Voyage Astral), and so forth of the capabilities of esoteric and subtle energies in the human. Quite a few of humans class capabilities in the "Believe it or not," or in the scope of illusions and myths and legends. 
Those who touch some of the findings in everyday life, or in varying tests, subject to mood and mental state ... That category 
People remained neutral opinion, but wondered about the nature and causes to Akhaddauha either to accept or to reject. While those who are assured of their effectiveness, they happen to have breeding, and started Inmunha the proper means and thus expanding to know Khvayaha the 

The first question that comes to mind: "If these capabilities really exist, why have not explored every human being? 
The Human away from knowing the same, especially the immaterial aspects of its make the entity inwardly immaterial beyond the reach of awareness and understanding, making the senses oblivious esoteric in the inside ..., Vhal without being able to explore the fact inwardly, and to use the esoteric senses. Because he used to confine its attention to matters of physical and virtual only. The search of the secrets of the human entity, his interest was not limited to virtual things, he was able to identify the hidden capabilities in itself and in itself, and therefore tested and verified the results. So that the depth in this area, and prepared tools and curricula in human soles science framework, through which aspirant to know himself, and development in a systematic and thoughtful to identify and test the previously hidden. What is the nature of the senses and esoteric capabilities that have been mentioned? 
The human being deeper and more comprehensive than to be materially flesh is subject to chemical and biological reactions only. Is the body and the spirit and between several components or dimensions esoteric form the human psyche and the human self, all Zbzbah configuration (Vibratory). These objects esoteric or organs of consciousness, according to references Sciences Esoteric (1), pose with the physical body seven dimensions in the entity of rights, which fall as follows: 
1. The physical body (the body). 
2. The etheric body, or the ethereal aura (AURA) energy in the human health. 
3. Planetary body, body feelings. 
4. The mental body, the body of thought and intelligence. 
5. Body of knowledge, a love of the rights. 
6. Body will, as represented by recipe will. 
7. Beam spirit, body wisdom. 
It is known that the physical body is composed of a dense material visible, while the other six esoteric objects are not visible because they are composed of vibrations can not be seen only after the blossom into one Albwatun of the inside, the insight. 
Simply that esoteric objects are the underlying hardware awareness valuable rights soles and working through the senses and esoteric energies. Sprawled of the entity to touch other people or objects, data and images (and information Alzbzbah) and back out, to translate across the brain, intuition, or inspiration, or a steady drumbeat of ideas, or even the vision and insight esoteric of all kinds that had remembered the past or pick up information or Event future ... 
A large number of leading researchers and scientists, (of whom the world Pearson by network BBC (2), and also the world Russian Kairelaan) Tqsoa what these objects esoteric Alzbzbah that surround the body and punctuated, especially body etheric or areola ethereal (Aura - Bioplasma in the language of science), the fact that Tamojath speed (Frequence) are closest to the electromagnetic nature of the material from the rest of esoteric objects graduated in volatility, so that some sophisticated devices able to capture some of those ripples ethereal and photographed with known "Pictures Kairelaan". 
Perhaps one of us haunted question: Does the person to discover the phone, for example, if you are not a steady drumbeat of ideas latent ability in it in the first place?! Was it designed the plane if Ogesamh not esoteric launched in dreams, for example, farther and faster than any aircraft? Or you had designed the TV without the manifestation of esoteric images on the screen of consciousness in meditation and dreams of all kinds ... This as well as the vision of the inner eye (the third eye). And many other facts come to mind in serenity and reflection ... 
And also ask: How does it feel blind, for example, the presence of a barrier in front of him? The ethereal aura surrounding flesh is as touching or tool awareness Zbzbah of configuration, the one by which receives sensations through external training on it. This is what he calls other sixth Balhach or comfortable or Palanzaaadjand the feeling to meet other people. How to capture these ethereal aura signifies how the subtle emotions and the degree open soles of awareness. Of course there are ways to develop and improve capabilities Picking this, including esoteric exercise, balanced and healthy food that reduces as much as possible from red meat. But the primary means of remaining remove Almahh actions of self and gain transparency and inner peace. 
In addition to the subject of esoteric senses, there is are PayPal essential the themes researchers, two dreams on the one hand, and human impact of astronomy on the other hand. 
In the dream state, according Esoteric Sciences (1) that esoteric Alzbzbah objects leave the configuration flesh, Vtaatmdd in the layers of consciousness and pick up messages and images ... But the average person is often forgotten what a dream, but the messages taken by settle in the inner consciousness to appear at a certain idea or inspiration during the next day or in the future. The (vibrations) ethereal aura (body health) that remain to preserve the life of the flesh, they are which awaken the rights of sleep in the event of a sudden command. 
Dreams carry messages to the the dreamer same person. It is difficult to interpret him one other. Only the dreamer can draw a lesson from his dreams. The possibility of human knower and Internal conscious entity that controls the dreams and to remember and draw useful lesson from them. The goal remains self-awareness and improve the knowledge and wisdom of awareness. Research confirms that many, including Helena Blavatsky Research (3) (Mary Haskell parameter - Khalil Gibran friendly), and Carl Jung (disciple of Freud) (4) 
As for the influence of the planets (or so-called towers), we know that a man under the influence of the assets of the entire universe ... Under the influence of the sun, air and other natural factors, as under the influence of ether layer transparent, and vibrations of space, planets, and other immaterial worlds. Astronomy real authentic, who teaches human relationship and its impact planets, it was the elite and unsophisticated Sciences in ancient times. But bosses of the things hid facts Anaama the people, after the ill-used. So this science different from what it is today in the books of astrology, horoscopes and in the media, which are contrary to each other, do not provide a method or approach which infers through which the effects of the planets ... It also does not explain the components of human esoteric immaterial that interact with the movement of the sun and planets and 
Academic science not yet aware of what these human capabilities, and the difference in their respective capacities, note that estimators vary by the body immaterial internist which belong to him, according to the open awareness owner. This material sciences remain within the scope of human capabilities in the tradition of self into the world within the confines of time and space, without reaching an understanding energies High internal intelligence, not to mention the amazing capabilities of other ... Stated in one of the categories of Esoteric Sciences in this regard (5): 
"Great entity contains enormous energies is the man., But did not open them yet! 
Energies able to go through the place, and movement through time ... 
Able to see the invisible, and revealed the future, and overcome the barriers that constitute an obstacle to internal growth and starting on the path of cultural evolution internist! ... 
In humans deeper than seen by sophisticated electronic equipment ... 
In humans farther than medicine think that it had reached to the discovery ... 
In humans comprehensively what is believed any scientist or philosopher that know him ... " 
Some may wonder what is the physical evidence of the existence of these circles Alzbzbah human entity? 
Najib that the evidence exists, but it is not material. And how to be physical evidence to prove what is immaterial?! Liban evidence and proof to any person upon personal experience and practical application of the correct and proper. Internal approach rather requires that the human being is the laboratory and the laboratory test and the subject at the same time! 
Doctor or psychologist Ajiban, usually that those physical capabilities and linked to the brain ... But how to explain the steady drumbeat of ideas between the two are far from each other ... As happened with the submarine crew descend Tutelius if the depths of the ocean, and the staff of the naval base on the ground! 
The brain is the organ detector and translator for esoteric vibrations whether it Mchaaria, intellectual or feelings. But the source of these vibrations is not the brain, but esoteric objects Alzbzbah configuration, especially planetary body (feelings Astral body) and mental (body thought Mental). The brain is not the mind! The brain is the organ organic component of cells and the mind works (configuration oscillometer) through (5). 
Finally, ask: Is esoteric energies and capabilities found in human remains oblivious and blurred in the depths of the vessels, or whether it was originally found to wake her and develops human daily life and internal growth and his accession consciously wisdom and work?! 
The goal is not to educate esoteric energies in humans, but the goal is to enhance the knowledge and awareness of growth and wisdom. Then bloom esoteric capabilities automatically, bit by bit. In conclusion, we say that opens provides insight vision, as sight offers a vision. The role of foresight, it is observation and reflection in the data and pictures taken through the vision and the vision ... He is also reading between the lines, and analysis of mysteries, and then compare the link between the known and the unknown. So just become the senses of sight of all kinds ... A tool for development and raise awareness of the wisdom