Alchkabit and charges are indicative of our personalities meanings

Always find ourselves in most cases Sarhan and preoccupation of mind thinking and during what we are talking by phone or listen to a lesson or lecture!! We are doing something fee and Shakhabit spontaneous on the leaves (usually repeat) all that we went through the situation Sarhan or thinking similar. To this Alchkabit and fees meanings indicate our personalities!!

This is based on science Graphology (Jrafullja) character analysis through handwriting ..

I will mention here most of these fees, as evidenced by the meanings reflected the personality of the author

The person combines two types of charges or Alchkabit of then it be the qualities found Balchkstin

Combined it shows his character .... !

1 - Repeated shapes (ie, repeated forms owner in the same location of the paper) suggest for someone who:
Patient / studiously / systematic / has a great ability to focus diplomatic / / adept at dribbling.

2 - roses and flowers:
Social and Dodd / sensor / warmth likes / open / soft character.

3 - animals, fish and birds:
Loves to help others and defend / lover of animals / Sensitive / crossing / likes tranquility and peace of mind.

4 - hearts:
Emotional / lover / has the ability to win over the hearts of others / cute / romantic.

5 - and various means of transportation:
Loves to travel / vacations likes / social / fun / has a spirit of adventure / love life / goals delayed due to procrastination.

6 - books accumulated on each other:
Overwrought / could easily fall apart / persistent / introvert.

7 - fonts province Kalshpkat or crossword puzzles:
Suffocated feels like a prisoner / desire for freedom / the feeling that the work is restricted.

8 - fruit and foods:
Likes eating or on the contrary, like slimming and diet (because it stages the same ones).

9 - Weapons Kalmsdsat the guns and swords:
Loves competition / feeling the need to prove oneself and manhood / lover of sex.

10 - thresholds stairs:
Ambitious / likes to move forward / optimistic / vocalist for perfection.

11 - phallic shapes Kalonabeb extended and others:
Strong libido / sex lover / anxious / bold.

12 - geometric shapes:
Thinking organizer / good planning skills / clarity as he thinks / high efficiency.

13 - the stars and other celestial bodies:
Optimistic / ambitious / has the ability to reach for details (Investigator) / the eager to prove himself.

14 - abstract shapes that suggest something only to its owner as some fees Fine:
Tension / nervous often / usually Maicon has a big vacuum in his life not only improves exploited.

15 - games mental Kalshtranj and game X & O:
Competitive / play in order to win / strong with Hamas or neurological trailing / writing fast.

16 - beautiful faces:
Loving people / sees positives not pay any attention to the cons / sensitive / Hassan Copyright
/ Optimistic / has the ability to attract the attention of others to himself / loving friendship / cares for others
Possesses a keen sense towards beauty.

17 - Eyes:
Likes to look here and there (sample Zaagh) and painted whenever excelled in beauty by adding eyelashes, for example, make sure that the
If drawing tears it suffers a sense of pain and grief.

18 - faces with open mouths:
Talkative / Calves / admire his vote.

19 - Ugly faces:
Fishy / hates people / No one trusts / does not like the law and order / lacks self-confidence /
Look for more negative things / tends to distort the truth.

20 - stock and regular stairs:
Ambitious / strong motive to prove himself / calves / aims to reach the goal closest normally.

21 - homes Kalqsour the houses and cottages:
Looking for stability / wants a family / concern / loves money.