And severity of damage and how to use aluminum foil

I have popularized the use of aluminum foil (tin) for several purposes, including cooking and packaging
But did you know what is the impact of ill-used on the human body?
It accumulates in the body and cause several diseases
The most important of dementia "Alzheimer's" and cancers

How to use it right:
1 - designed aluminum foil for food packaging and is not to be used in the cooking process

2 - This paper consists of two ways: glossy face and the other side is matte
Uses the illustrious face only hot food packaging
(Ie shiny face adjacent to the hot food)
While the face is used to encapsulate illustrious only cold food
(Ie matte face adjacent to the cold food)

3 - prevents the use of aluminum foil in the cooking process or for packaging food and enter it into the oven or a microwave oven where the excess heat cooking lead to the exit of the paper to aluminum food and interact with it, especially if you use lemon or vinegar in the cooking process

4 - If I had to use aluminum foil in cooking, place between him and the food and paper from the cabbage and then throw it after cooking. Never eat and do not let go with food