Benefits of honey diameter within the navel

Placed a drop of honey pure navel before going to sleep and can be placed to prevent the adhesive dirty clothes can also add a pinch of ginger honey before using it.

D say. Maher Saidam acupuncture specialist that this
Way if used for a long period (from one month to two months), as the case stating, God willing, in the treatment of many diseases and disease Male 35, including the following:

1. The treatment of chronic headache pain.
2. Eye pain
3. Sinusitis.
4. Neck pain, back and shoulders
5. Neck pain front and Ketma and asthma.
6. Lower back pain
7. Stomach pain and bitterness
8. Irritable bowel problems
9. Diarrhea
10. Problems of low and high blood pressure.
11. Knee pain