Cure laziness and lethargy

Treatment of laziness
When I searched for a cure for laziness and found that people of all art
Describe him and described their own.
I found people Alrgiicolon:

You need to live up yourself perhaps be "appointed".
And medical folks say:
See a doctor, perhaps there is a shortage in some compounds in your body
Such as iron deficiency, which causes you to laziness and inactivity.
The folks balanced diet therapy say:
You energy foods and stimulants such as:
"Chocolate, bananas, sesame seeds and whole grains is shelled"
They Food rich in elements increase the activity and vitality of your body.
It may be in all of this is good.
But I tell you my brother Karim:
Yes Elan is the magic word that revives the soul, but
Nations salutes and Elan lead you to the summit

To gain Elan highly recommend the following:
First: I do not have that sense the value of life and risk
About yourself and about others.
Second: Successful accompany highly motivated.
Third: The follow-up stories and positions determination owners.

Fourth: time management properly and for you to have a goal.
Fifth: the lack of a sense of helplessness and vulnerability.
Sixth: exercise because the experiments proved to be
One of the best means to resist laziness and inactivity.
Do not forget:

All the work you do need to mettle to be done to the fullest
Success and creativity in your business and your life is nothing but the fruits of you moving