How is stupidity industry ?

How to make fools :
A group of scientists and put 5 monkeys in a cage and one in the center of the cage there is peace , and at the top of the ladder there are some bananas .
Each time seen a banana monkeys to take scientists sprayed the rest of the monkeys with cold water,
After a simple became all briefs to take the monkey banana , the remaining ban ,
And beat him so as not to spray cold water .

After a period of time did not dare any monkey on the stairs to take a banana ,
In spite of all the temptations of fear of beatings ,
Scientists then decided to do one of the five monkeys switched and put a new place monkey ,

The first thing the new monkey it up the ladder to take a banana ,
But immediately the remaining four smote him and Aomarwna on the down ...
Several times after beating New Monkey understands that he should not go up with the peace that he does not know why.
The scientists also switched an old monkeys with a new monkey ,
And solve what happened to the first alternative monkey so that the monkey first alternative participated colleagues beaten,
And is not sure why hits,
And so on until the replacement of all the top five monkeys with new monkeys ,
Until he became in the cage five monkeys did not sprinkle them never cold water ,
And with that beating any monkey beg him himself up the stairs without knowing what the reason,
If we assume ... And asked why monkeys monkey beating up the ladder ?
Sure the answer would be : do not know but we found our fathers and grandfathers Thus,
In practice this is what we apply it in our business and our daily lives ,
We stay in the routine of fear of change ,
Prisoners of stupidity accumulated increases Adtarada with the passage of days,
And Muftchrin this " stupid " who cheated Ptsatra under the mantle of her name :
" Customs and traditions ."
Einstein said :
There are two things are limitless ... Science and human stupidity