How to get rid of shyness and embarrassment exaggerated

Do you go through in some situations a heart severe embarrassment and an increase in the secretion of sweat profusely and the inability to arrange speech and issued you a hasty actions and unbalanced and tidy ?
We happen to us this matter , causing us in the great social problems and psychological problems more , man in this position , whatever the degree of strength of character not pleased with himself.

Dr. Mohamed Mansour consultant psychiatric and neurological advised some of the steps that would be useful if a person has suffered from this problem psychological widespread among all ages, explains Dr. Mansour , the problem lies in the over- the shame and embarrassment quickly , but from a medical point of every human being is very possible to feel embarrassed and a sense of shame and can not control himself in these positions.

Among the most important steps that will help get rid of the tension rapid and embarrassment and shame exaggerated , first to trust human always that all people go through these embarrassments no matter how different attitudes If turning human thinking to this curve when it passes the position of embarrassing 'll at least critical and saves psyche of the position quickly.

And also recommended the need for greater rights for his confidence in himself and not vibrate positions normal even though embarrassing, as it should be human social printing so that it can overcome these situations with a sense of humor or tactfully talk and act , or even ridicule of the same, and the benefit of communities they belong human Hassan to act in front of people and tact in talking.

Finally, must contend rights with any embarrassing situation or when exposed to spell shamelessly severe that accelerates calming himself internally and not overdo the reaction does not do a lot of moving his body too much and dealing very quietly and coldly sometimes because many move given the impression of no confidence in oneself.