Learn about the latest findings of scientists from a place of love in the human body

With love the focus of writers , poets and philosophers in their books
And poems , that finally arrived to the laboratories of scientists , who have proven that love exists within
The human mind , not in his heart, as it was believed by many !
. The scientists emphasized that every human being has
Its own map found inside his brain to help him choose the right person for him to link to
Without the other . They pointed out by the fabric that this map is a set of qualities that wants
Rights in the presence of the perfect person who coveted link to it , or what we call
A boy and a girl dreams of dreams. And when man meets someone who meets the qualities
In his mind , he feels the orientation and vice versa. The scientists say : When
Tkablin someone apply to him most of the existing conditions in your mind it is secretion of
Chemical sends a sense of joy , as well as the body secretes hormones affect mood so that they feel
Human happiness that the body also produces a adrenaline that causes facial redness and sweat
Hands, rapid breathing and heartbeat , which quickly all of these symptoms disappear with the disappearance of
The person in front of you and get some kind of human fatigue and depression after that. This explains why
A person get sad when it is away from the beloved and why feel joy and happiness when
See ! . The scientists proved that the love of power that can be used in a positive way or in a way
There are negative natural love which is based on domination and acquisitions as excessive love
Can be detrimental to its owner and those he loves . The scholars divided into several types love them
Fraternal spiritual love and romantic on emotion . Scientists say there is a way
To examine these species, we can distinguish between the different types , there are those who feel
Orientation towards someone at the start of the relationship and then begins to love in the disappearances which develops to form
Deeper, and there are those who do not feel love at first sight and then begins to love his heart gradually invades , Love
Not adored the length of time it takes different forms, with the passage of time and greet me every lover
Think before he performs