Know why you are seeing stars if Atardna a blow to the head

See the stars of the common symptoms of head trauma
And exposed some people have more than others
Some have suffered as a result a strong sneeze
The reason this happens has to do with the work of the eye.

There intraocular generation like substance called vitreous,
When light falls on the eye travels to the brain
By a pack of neurons
In the back of the eye called the retina
The brain's interpretation of this makes us see the light
If the head exposure to a powerful sneeze or blow
The liquid touches the glass and come into contact retina
And sends the wrong signals to the brain and interpreted by the brain "light flashes" or stars.

You may also see these stars migraine sufferers.

Some children can make these stars or by clicking on the light gleams eyelids are closed.

Lack of oxygen may also cause the occurrence of this phenomenon, as well as progress in life.