Causes of chest pain when running and exercise

D.Mandated advocacy - there are several reasons to feel pain in your chest when running or playing sports, some simple and does not require medical attention and some calls check with your doctor.

1 - infected children when exercise pain in the chest may also be infected by adults who are not fit so that the muscles of the upper body is weak, and this kind of pain disappears after a period of exercise, and build muscle.

2 - stress or muscular injuries, where some overused in the exercise or carrying heavy weights, so you should gradually increase the exercise time and increased loads and careful exercise to warm up to prevent injuries.

3 - cooler air and as a result of cold air entry into the lungs which Ahejehma and cause chest pain. And in this case advised to exercise indoor sports halls.

4 - heartburn or indigestion, you should not exercise immediately after eating, exercise cause these symptoms occur.

5 - is a problem in the bitterness you feel a sense of fullness after eating, especially fatty meals, and pain in the lower part of the chest right

6 - lung disease injury some breathing system disorders like Alazma, inflammation of the lungs, and others.

7 - heart disease, but if I felt a sharp pain in the chest, difficulty in breathing, perspiration, In this case you need to seek medical assistance immediately.