
In fact, there are two types of self - confidence :
The first type : the absolute self - confidence : a confidence that can call it miraculous and beneficial to those who enjoy it , and are based on a strong case free from doubt, and the advantage of the owner of absolute self - confidence life his feet firmly without fear or hesitation .
Type II: specific self-confidence and be specific confidence in the side or a certain position, and ignores aspects of the person or other positions .

Did you know that the majority of people do not trust themselves?
May be self-confidence and absolute specific types idealists in self-confidence , but many people outside of the two types , and most of them lack self-confidence , and in this thread says renowned psychologist ( Alfred Adler ): that all human beings took to the life helpless, has left this impact persists to dispose of human remains everything around us the strongest of us for so long or short , even if we grew up Elvina ourselves as well, we face the forces are not around us in front of no power, and close we trap of modern life impregnated as standing trap the mouse , this force majeure that create and live in. leave in the human sense of inferiority rest of the trail , and then arise power and control targets that guide the actions of human beings) .
And human nature is weak, it came out weak from his mother's womb does not know anything , and then began his way in life, learns and consists growing and gaining strength and confidence of his own with time, but take for example a child who starts first steps in walking it initially be afraid of doing the first step , and then getting self-confidence who shall step another , and so on , the more self - confidence increased strength and succeeded in performing the other steps . So Man is born with strong energy and motivation and love to accomplish something, Gahma child did not learn after something in life just walking here he is seeking to succeed , and the best steps to enjoy the self-confidence is a sense of inferiority , if human hair inferiority among the people , without doubt, will try to simulates the people and become like them , and this is what drives many people to increase the dose of self - confidence , and whenever man succeeded in achieving what he sees should be difficult to continue to achieve its goals and successes increases .
From grandfather and planting reap found

When the man reaches his goal, and feel ecstatic success it feels comfortable and happily psychological and pride , and perhaps happiness is the result of self - confidence , and the fruits of self-confidence as follows:

- Comes to you the feeling that life is beautiful .
- Realize that your potential and abilities able to face Altgdiat .
- Aware of the weaknesses and strengths in your abilities.
- Make you increase the pace of the starting forward .
- Make you a role model for others .
- Make you recognize the right model for you in life sponsor your success .
- You can find out your goals and increase your determination to reach it .
- Make you use all your energies and abilities.
- Make you able to get rid of the negative and the deficit and defeat and failure.
- Strengthen your will and desire in a mixture of success.