Physiognomy in facial features

.. Forehead ..
- Some specialists believe in physiognomy . Metoscopy
( ( A study glances and find out by reading the foul lines of the forehead and that was strange ))
 It is possible to know the age of the person across enumerate the number of lines on his forehead ! ! Fajt one means that the person in forty years of age . And splitters mean that in the sixty - three lines means that in the seventy four lines means that in eighty five lines means he has reached the age of 100 years ..
- If you have three or more lines at the top of your forehead , it means you are very disturbing and causing problems.
- If you have three or more lines in higher your forehead Vhama the mean you Taatmizin the spirit of fun , but you You know, take over finances.
- If you have three or more lines spaced from each other in the form of equal you smart and nice .
- If you have two dimensions so it foretells you happily Future .
- As per rectum line on your forehead is a sign of success .

.. Eyebrows ..
- When the hair is soft and dark eyebrows and thin are likely to enjoy the beauty and comeliness person and be friendly.
- Eyebrows Aldilan and but Alktevin not bode well for the Maitalq luck.
- When they meet eyebrows center - aligned above the nose , this is a sign that the person is a cheater .
- If the eyebrows contain a loophole we can expect bad luck.
- The eyebrows who Akunan suggests longer than eyes in great shape that the person enjoys above - average intelligence .

.. Eyes ..
- Research has shown that people eyes Aldakinten the owners enjoy print irritable and short on ability to focus , but they improve their decision-making.
- Research has shown that people with eyes Alvathtin the work in the form of better under pressure than people with eyes Aldakinten .
- Eyes the structure : openness , passion and speed of agitation ..
- Eyes -colored Venetian : intelligence and calm
- Blue eyes : extraversion , rigidity and frigidity
- Eyes and vegetables : courage and joy and passion disturb others in the form of a slight and creative
- Eyes Alrmadaan : control and depth of thinking.
- Eyes dating with high when the parties to the persons themselves and non - conservative who would not mind Risk
- The eyes downward Almnhaddrtan the Venouhaan goodness and generosity of heart and fulfillment in love.

.. Cheeks ..
- Cheeks Almstdaran and Asameenan and two Almmtlian mark on health , beauty and prosperity .
- Often Manazi in traditional form Alnahilan the disease.
- In the physiognomy is not considered Laghmazac promising , but whether they appear only when you smile in this case you are lucky because it means you are going to teach the other person likes .
- Indicates black spot on the cheeks to the Ethics liberal .

.. Nose ..
- Broad nose indicates that the owner feels safe and stable with himself.
- The persons Taúhun the and Almottaglpon often Maicon narrow nose .
- A long nose ( no nose , which would be longer than the length of the forehead) that a person is arrogant and despised by others .
- Have who do not resist their enchantments in the form of short nose is phenomenal.
- Suggests nose chubby compassion and optimism. The nose lean and bones Faouha the process of Balchom and indifference .
- Be the owners of the nose raised upwards relaxed and easy to deal with them. While the nose down towards the bottom at the tip means that the owner probably selfish and demanding .
- Hooked nose refers to the unit of intelligence and talent , the ability and the desire to acquire a person's fame .
- The nose , rectum , it means that the owner and handsome , wise and witty .

.. Ears ..
Be atrium Almstahtin the owners and Aerdatin and Alnaamtan Ahmtin Jblten lucky :
People who do not have a lot of luck
They have eared brackets and thin skin .
- Often belong ears Aahmtin the Asameektin
To the types of people who are not loyal or who can not be relied upon .
- Whenever existed ears at the top of your head whenever you are more intelligent.

.. Lips ..
- If the lips Mmtlitin to small you are gracious and exciting.
- Mean lips Alsgertan the The Alrviatan that although you Ttalan the others in the image of women self-confident in the form of excessive but you
May Tkhvan some feelings insecurity .
- If the upper lip is the largest in the form of a simple
Lower lip it means you Tnhalin the patient
More persons " blind " (they
People who be Hevchm the Supreme fatter in
Figure large and noticeable of Lower Hevchm )
And who Aathlon a patient at all !
- Really fat upper lip is a sign that
The person is a traitor ! !
- If the lips and broad and Slaptan you are a human being
Demanding and old-fashioned dispute to control
On others.
- Lips Almoktbtan the return to the people adults and Albakan the officials !

.. Teeth ..
- Indicates teeth gleaming , clean and high volume
Equal and white like pearls to luck
- If the number of teeth in the lower palate is greater than
Number of teeth in the upper palate , it means that luck
Bad surrounds you from all sides.
- It is also said that the void between the years who are at the front of the mouth are the harbinger of doom . (But remember
They did not bring bad luck of the singer Madonna. On the contrary ).
- Severe redness tongue which is a good sign
And refers to good luck.
- If the color of the tongue has the effect of gray
Is likely to be accompanied by troublemaker and Giora
And of a nature sharp.
- His tongue may suffer very pale color
It suffers from a variety of health problems.
- Symbolizes the tongue with a party to the harsh feisty and loving person , stinging and bile.
- Long tongue in shape is a great mascot for the men .. The mascot for the women.

.. Chin ..
- Round and soft chin is a sign of good luck.
- If a sharp chin and tapering head refers to the impact of recklessness and personal rush accompanied by irritability and also tapering chin is also due to head persons Almtktmin the
- Indicates which resembles chin chin American actor Michael Douglas 's character cheery and likable Thi heart Tayeb .
- Can be long chin indicates confusion in thought .

The reality of physiognomy .
And according to the laws of the art of physiognomy (the study of facial features )
Your face is your luck ? In the event change your face in a manner of ways because of exposure to an accident or due to undergo plastic surgery , for example ... This will change your appearance
And you think of yourself as well