Things you should stay away from them because they may be the cause of disability for making your kids

The first step: a general rule ( to help others that do good )

This rule applies to children, adolescents and adults , when helping a person in command can do you take him practice , experience and ability , it becomes unable to do, and you become dependent entirely dependent .

This often happens within the family , you will find parents bear the full responsibility for their children even in special cases , such as: the study, and solving duties, and doing a prayer , and others.

And child here intelligently exercise its role , greets the responsibility of parents and does not assume any responsibility, and pays no attention to internal drives him die , and waits for commands directly from the parents , do not feel the pain of failure because these issues are not of his responsibilities , but are the responsibilities of parents.

This type of education come to us mentally disabled person , immature , and unable to cope with the changes and challenges in this life.

Per advice or

- When carrying a baby and he can walk you Tsenain of a disabled child .

- And when Ttamin child who can eat you Tsenain him disabled.

- And when you talk about your child who can speak for itself , you Tsenain him disabled.

Step Two: extra protection

The extra protection exaggerated the child make him weak child can not deal with the facts of life , deprive them of this protection from the experience and learning , especially at the beginning of his life, because our expertise hones in the beginning of our lives .

A child is mastering his experiences in childhood, we find that the experience does not exceed its capacity significantly, we find that the problems and experiences painful proportional to the phase of age , and this experience this pain develops his abilities to withstand pain and cope with problems that grow physically, mentally and psychologically balanced .

In the case of extra protection , it grows physically and mentally , but it does not grow psychologically balanced , due to protect parents from being subjected to some tests on the grounds he is weak and can not because it's small does not improve behavior.

The fact of life that we someday will face alone , will not divide us , will be shocking than painful experience of mental abilities that have not completed due to the extra protection .

The third step: dreams orders

Suffers some of the parents of the phobia of deprivation and a decade of shortages, and believe deprivation pure evil , because they suffered in their childhood , so meet all requests for their children so as not to feel their children deprivation , or out of , " I do not want to feel my children because they are less than the others .. "

But remember : a little self - deprivation keeps a lot of things unknown to